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Management change at Blackbird Robotersysteme

Blackbird Robotersysteme from Garching announces a change in the company’s executive management. Dr Rüdiger Brockmann was appointed to the management board at the beginning of February 2025 and took over the business from Karl Christian Messer.
According to the company, Messer has been driving international growth and the technological development of its products since 2017. Among other initiatives, the company already opened its own subsidiary in Shanghai in 2015.
Messer’s successor Brockmann reportedly has over 30 years of experience in the industry and laser sector. He has held various senior management positions in both large corporations and medium-sized companies. Brockmann has a doctorate in microwelding and has extensive expertise and understanding of the technology. “I am delighted that in Dr Rüdiger Brockmann we have been able to recruit not only an experienced manager, but also a practitioner with an excellent technical background to succeed me,” says Messer, who will assist the new Managing Director during a joint transition phase.


The new managing director Dr Rüdiger Brockman (left) next to the previous managing director Karl Christian Messer. Image: Blackbird Robotersysteme


According to Blackbird Robotersysteme, the company develops control technology, user software and process monitoring solutions for 2D and 3D scanning systems from its sister company Scanlab. Monitoring solutions using optical coherence tomography (OCT) for scanner-based laser welding processes are also part of Blackbird Robotersysteme’s product portfolio.


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