Technology forum – laser – photonics

Highly compact fused-end optical fiber bundles

Optical fiber manufacturer Ceramoptec is launching a new generation of fused-end optical fiber bundles to open up new possibilities for their customers. The fused-end bundles were particularly developed for applications in spectroscopy, semiconductor industry and in other fields that employ high-power light sources. According to Ceramoptec, the new manufacturing process for these fiber bundles offers greater flexibility in the design of a fused bundle’s end shape – such as round, square, hexagonal or triangular shape. This ensures better light transmission and improved efficiency. Also, the more compact design allows the bundles to be used in combination with smaller connector types than before. Bundles created using this new process will be able to handle optical powers in the multi-kW range or several tens of thousands of lumens and will be available with either Ceramoptec’s Optran WF or solarization-resistant Optran UVNS fibers. All bundles will be configured for the customer’s specific needs.

Further information from the manufacturer


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