07 Feb Holographic notch filters
Holographic notch filters from Meta Materials are now available at Edmund Optics. The product line Meta Holooptix features the ability to maintain consistent notch center wavelengths for S and P polarization at high angles of incidence, says the manufacturer. Two different mounting configurations are available: Flex and Strata. Flex notch filters offer a large, flexible design and said to allow for installation into systems of nearly any shape and size, while Strata notch filters are mounted in an industry standard 1” black anodized aluminum housing. Each filter is optimized for high transmission in either red, green, or blue laser line wavelengths while blocking rejected light with > 4.0 average optical density.
According to the distributor, the holographic notch filters are suitable for multi-photon microscopy, laser-based fluorescence instrumentation, and other life science applications.
Further information from the distributor
Source and image: www.edmundoptics.com